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Princess Dad

Dads for Diversity is an online community of parents committed to raising their children celebrating the beauty of a diverse community that is accepting of others' uniqueness…


We are a group of parents and careers who are not frightened by differences.


Find us on Facebook or Twitter - that's as cool as we get!


Oh yes - mums are most welcome just the D-on-D rolls off the tongue better.


We invite members to share thoughts and insights on this vital topic and encourage people to respect the diversity of opinions that may be shared…



Need some help...

The Poppet Centre is happy to help you with direct and personal information. 


The Poppet Centre DISCLAIMER: 


The information given in the advice session is from sources believed to be reliable but is not guaranteed in any way. Although the Poppet Centre team have full confidence in its advice, no guarantee, express or implied, is given with regard to that advice, and persons, organisations or companies who take action based on that advice, do so at their own risk.


Advice:  So if you have a specific question for us and need some personal advice around parenting please email us on


Fees:  We do charge a fee for this service of AUD$33 per question and that entitles you to dialogue with us by three emails around the one question over a one week period. 


Upon receipt of your question, we shall send you an automated invoice via PayPal seeking payment. 


Please allow 48-hours for the response - we endeavor to answer sooner but time difference can delay the speed of our response.

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