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Clay Play
Clay Play is a workshop for children 3 to 5 years of age and their careers. The workshop is a structured program to help your child build interesting objects with clay.
During the course, children will learn different ways to mould and shape clay by building fun objects such as vases, necklaces, bow ties, cartoon figures and more. Each class has a different focus, which is designed to help your child learn specific skills…
Class 1: Preparation Class (in this class the children will make the clay that will be used for the rest of the program).
Class 2: Wind Chimes
Class 3: Animals from the Zoo
Class 4: Beads and Buttons
Class 5: Make a Clay Pot
Class 6: Totem Poles
Class 7 & 8: Free Fall (children and parents will be asked to come up with a suggestion to make something that can be used in the household).
The key learning outcomes for your child with this program (besides having a good time) is that it will help your child develop:
co-ordination and conception skills;
putting ideas into practice; and
the power of visualisation as they watch an object, forming from basic shapes and designs.
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